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3.5--7 PS Outboard Motor Außenborder Motor 2 4 Takt Benzinmotor Bootsmotor Neu

3.5--7 PS Outboard Motor Außenborder Motor 2 4 Takt Benzinmotor Bootsmotor Neu

  • Cooling SystemWater-cooling
  • Model3.5PS & 2-Takt
  • Merkmal 1Stabile Eigenschaft, hohe Zuverlässigkeit
  • Herstellungsjahr2024
  • MarkeMarkenlos
  • Besonderheiten ( 特点 )Stabile Eigenschaften
  • AngebotspaketJa
  • ProduktartAußenbordmotor
  • AntriebBenzin
  • FarbeSchwarz
  • Artikelnr.335432143398
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Modell ONE:6.5 PS& 4-Takt    Water-cooling system Note: One working day dispatch time and 3-6 days delivery time!  NOTE!!!! Cylinder Scoring is a serious damage, which caused by improper use and will cost you a lot of money to repair the motor. Don't do the following will avoid cylinder Scoring: 1,start the motor on bank 2, use the motor when it stop coming out of water Even if you want test the motor, it should be done in the river! When there is no water coming out from the motor,please stop using it immediately ,then check the impeller of Water pump or check if the water outlet has been blocked. Notice: Please add gear oil to the gears before use the motor and replace gear oil after the run-in period(10hours). (if you do not know how to handle this, please contact with us ).

Auf dieser Seite findest Du Artikel der Marken Demon, Miganeo, Home Deluxe, PROWAKE, Intex Elektro, Nautika, HANGKAI, Miganeo® und CROSSFER.

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